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Nov 18 10

How To Shake Hands Like a Normal Person

by peter

It’s a custom that’s been around at least since the ancient Greeks in the 5th century B.C., so why do so many people still suck at giving a proper handshake?

The importance of a good handshake should already be obvious to everyone; politicians practically make a living with it; business deals are sealed with it; friends and strangers alike are greeted with it. Yet tons of people out there are still giving really bad handshakes.

This needs to stop, so we’re going to do our part to help the world get a grip.
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Sep 17 07

How to remember names without sounding like a jerk

by nick

“I’m bad at names.” Oh, you’re better at them than I am. I’ve forgotten the names of ex-girlfriends, lifelong friends, current friends, and two cousins. Sometimes I remember names. Because sometimes I do the following.

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Sep 12 07


by peter

Welcome to “How to be Normal”. We answer the questions you were too afraid to ask, and we tell you stuff you didn’t know you needed to know.

We hope you like the site. If you’ve got suggestions for topics you’d like to see us write about, email us at:

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